Celebrating Co-Design Procurement Innovation at MaRS Discovery District

An amazing array of talent was gathered today and engaged in high-powered discussions at the launch of MaRS 2nd cohort of Co-Design Procurement Teams aiming to solve important health care delivery challenges. MARS is a regional non-profit innovation hub in Toronto that is playing a huge role in supporting health care innovators in Ontario, Canada, […]

Innovation Mojo @ Georgetown: Tomorrow’s Health Systems Leadership. Today.

“Massive changes ahead.” Those words are found on the street signs of every path leading to the future of America’s health care delivery enterprise. Preparing for the transformation to value-based payment, dominance of data and information technology, rise of designer patient care experiences, and intense pressures to adopt emerging medical technologies, are just a few […]

Next-Gen Community Health Services: University of Maryland Students Design Solutions

University of Maryland Class Pitch Session

Today, I had the great pleasure of being a guest of the students and faculty of the University of Maryland School of Public Health who pitched the results of their semester’s work in HLSA484, “Redesigning Community Health Care” class. The 5 teams of innovators applied design thinking principles as they embarked on highly-personalized journeys with […]