Today, I’m honored to lead the amazing students of the Executive Masters of Science in Health Systems Administration Program at Georgetown University in kicking off a new experiential course on Social Impact Innovation (EHSY 725-01). Our pioneering work will explore how new structures for supporting change can be applied to vexing challenges in health care systems.

Why is it important for health care executives to know about innovation methods?
We all recognize the immense pressures around us in nearly all aspects of health care. Yet, we are often perplexed by the complexity of the problems, and frustrated by the brick walls that resist our efforts to change. While it is true that each of us alone will likely fail, teams made up of talented, passionate, and committed doers of good will often succeed.

How do we engage the power of a social movement, to problem-solve in health care?
That’s what were about to explore. We know that resources are an important ingredient for overcoming barriers and problems. But how we put them to work, often makes a difference. Social impact bonds and pay-for-success models for innovation have had wide spread successes in achieving financial success and social good by design in the education, environment, and international development sectors. But health and health care are relatively new territories for these measures.  In our course we will gain an understanding of how these models work, learn important insights on the evaluation and measurement of the outputs, and engage in our own social impact project design. Our class will be joining forces with two entrepreneur teams here in Washington, D.C. from Halycon Incubator and Quantified Ventures in learning about pathways to success in undertaking innovations in health care.

I’m also very excited that we are featuring a very special guest lecture on social innovation by the Managing Director of the Double Impact Fund at Bain & Co., Deval Patrick, former governor of Massachusetts. He will lead a campus wide discussion on his views of putting capital to work for social good while creating new marketplaces for sustaining the impact. I encourage you to join us on March 14th at 11 am in the Lohrfink Auditorium of the Rafik Hariri Building on campus.

Throughout the semester, the students will be engaged with an amazing faculty consisting of global leaders in social impact programs. As a result, I am hopeful we can put the talents to work and test new ideas that make a difference. Here’s to the changemakers!

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