Innovation Horizons | Get Started
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Get Started

Lets take on the biggest challenges in your organization and introduce new business practices to create sustainable solutions.


Innovative Methodologies

Organizations large and small are faced with challenges that range from simple process inefficiencies to full system overhauls. Taking on such problems can be daunting and resource intensive, but there are proven methods that reduce risk and result in the best possible solution. Innovation Horizons has proven success in consulting with organizations to solve big problems through the use of innovative methodologies such as design thinking and lean startup. From solving specific problems to developing and establishing internal innovation labs, Innovation Horizons has the experience to meet your organizational goals.

Business and Market Strategy

There has never been a better time to be a tech company in health care, but finding success can be challenging, from facing complicated regulations, to new models of care delivery. But whether it is bringing a new product to market or creating a roadmap to reimbursement, Innovation Horizons can help organizations navigate the complex health care ecosystem and achieve their goals.

Business & Market Strategy
Data Analysis


If you are a health care provider or payer, chances are there are terabytes of data that’s just sitting on your servers and databases, doing nothing. But that data has great value and there are opportunities to put that data to work to make a big impact on how health care is delivered and measured. Innovation Horizons helps payers and providers leverage data and apply new technologies to create new efficiencies, identify trends and measure efficacy of treatment.